Power Seller Criteria (Lewisburg)

Brought 175 or more items in the previous sale and had a sell-through rate of 75% or higher.

Tagged your items (not participating in our Tagging Service)

Sold and helped in at least three sales.

Perks: You will be allowed to bring 400 items. Your item cutoff will be changed in our database, allowing you to keep entering after 200 items. NO DROP-OFF APPOINTMENT NEEDED.

Drop-off:  We are working to streamline this drop-off process, so please do not sign up for a time slot. You can come anytime on Tuesday between 11 am and 6 pm and drop off your items. You will need to check in with Melissa (drop-off manager) or me; your name will be on a list of "power sellers." Then begin placing your things out without a quality check. A consignor contract still needs to be signed, so please remember that part.

For each sale, I will select power sellers for the current sale.

Thank you for being so committed to Common Threads.